The PADI Wreck Diver Course allows us to investigate, admire, explore and experience the unique and diverse aquatic systems which set up home in these relics of the past. Gain the experience and skills necessary to safely enjoy wreck diving. Wreck diving while exhilarating poses additional risks and challenges. Lacking the appropriate knowledge and skill to safely explore wrecks significantly increases the associated risks.



You must be at least fifteen years of age and hold PADI Adventure Diver (or qualifying certification). You will be required to complete a medical questionnaire which will determine your medical fitness to dive. 


PADI Wreck Diving allows you to:

Enjoy wreck diving in a way that is safe for you, other divers and has minimal implications on the wreck itself and its new inhabitants. Lack of knowledge or experience particularly in this speciality can have direct implications on other divers. Want to know how to explore the wreck without stirring up silt? Want to know more about mapping a wreck and keeping track of your movements and location?. Sounds like this speciality is for you. 


What will I learn?

Learn special finning techniques, learn about hazards, problems and challenges associated with wreck diving and master the skills and knowledge to avoid or minimize these. and Learn how to survey a wreck and how to use lines and reels to navigate or mark a course.


Time Commitment:

PADI e-Learning -2-4 hours.

Entire Course: 2-3 days.


Cyprus has a multitude of wreck sites including Zenobia (Titanic of the Mediterranean), some occurred accidentally,  others occurred intentionally to become artificial reefs. With wrecks at various depths and with various complexity we can cater to divers from beginners to the more experienced. These wrecks have become part of the underwater ecosystem and support a diverse range of sea life. If this sounds appealing get in touch and let us broaden your underwater horizons.